Reto de jackpot irresistible

So disrespectful, crude, domineering SoB for a hero. Yeah, real catch there. And an idiotic doormat of a heroine with daddy issues so obvious she might as well be holding a blinking neon sing over her head.

Totally relatable. In all fairness, I liked how Georgeanne at least managed to make a name for herself and how she's an owner of a successful business that provides for her and her daughter.

That's the only thing I liked in this book. If you're into single mom stories, read any other before this one. If you're into sports romance, start from any other book except this one. Because no matter what the tittle says, it is simply resistible.

Jacob Proffitt. It's hard to believe that this is Gibson's first book. It's outstanding, with strong characters, memorable plot, and excellent pacing.

And a rich tapestry of background characters, as well. If there's anything amateur about it, it was in starting the story with Georgeanne being diagnosed with a "brain disorder" at a young age we later learn this is dyslexia.

The damage of being labelled as stupid so young has its inevitable effect, but we didn't really need to be there at the diagnosis or hear what the evaluating doctor said to get the impact Gibson needed, I don't think.

The narrative picks up years later with Georgeanne running from her wedding to a much older man. By this time, she is a professionally charming in the sense of having graduated from charm schools provided by her Grandmother and when John first meets her she's desperate and trained to think of men as the way to security.

This is exactly as disastrous as you'd think, not helped by John being more than a little callous. This opening could have been off-putting, but there's enough of a glimpse into the people they'll become to keep you interested and I enjoyed their interactions.

Her desperation and his need for intimacy interacted poorly, even as it was something they both needed at the time. Where Gibson really shines in this story is investing Georgeanne with all the charm her background indicates.

She has that Southern charm with a gift for gab that could have been off-putting or distracting if not handled right. I really liked how expressive she was and how that contrasted with John's rather taciturn nature. And I liked how his initial annoyance when they first met mellows into an appreciation for her conversational skill when the re-meet later on.

Equally engaging is Georgeanne's daughter, Lexie. Six year-olds are tough to get right and I thought Gibson did a great job making her demanding and engaging and willful and easily distracted without being merely a convenient driver of plot.

Best of all was how her interactions with John humanized him and let him reevaluate his priorities in ways he needed to digest. And I find few things as engaging as a big, tough manly man sitting down and playing Barbies just because it's what his daughter wants to do.

It's his interactions with Lexie that let me see Georgeanne's attraction for him in more than just physical desire and her old need to put herself under the protection of someone strong.

I can't quite bring myself to round up to five stars if only because I so often found Georgeanne's actions a bit hard to predict. She falls in love with John awful fast in both the past and present and is a bit too willing to let sex be the answer when their relationship needed emotional engagement.

She's so assured in every other aspect of her life by the time they re-engage that it felt out of place having her communication fail in such an important aspect of her life.

A note about Steamy : This had two explicit sex scenes and lands in the middle of my steam tolerance. You know what? I really enjoyed this one.

The heroine and hero were great and little Lexie was adorable. Georgie was sweet but she was no push over. And John could be quite an ass but lovable nonetheless. I loved the chemistry between these two. Great story line too! I loved that this book turned back the clock for me.

It is nice to read through old fashioned sex scenes every now and again. Alba Turunen. En realidad un 4'5, es difícil que un libro sea perfecto, y aunque tenga sus costillas, en general es un libro que he disfrutado y me ha encantado desde la primera página. Es el primer libro que leo de Rachel Gibson y he quedado muy satisfecha.

Es un libro rápido de leer que engancha en seguida, una historia original con unos protagonistas muy humanos, él es un hombre solitario y con miedo a amar, y ella es una chica deseosa de amar y ser correspondida.

Todo ello aderezado con la dulzura y estridencia de su hija Lexie, que ha servido de unión entre los protagonistas. Son una fan y fiel admiradora de SEP y sus "Chicago Stars", pero sin duda, el equipo de hockey de los Chinooks son la competencia perfecta, por lo menos en éste primer número.

Me he quedado con ganas de más. retorita3 ritagibson No sé por qué no empecé esta serie antes y eso que la tengo anotada para leer desde hace siglos. Gracias al retorita por fin la he empezado y tengo que decir que me ha encantado.

Me gusta mucho como escribe la autora, se lee en nada, Aunque yo haya tardado tres semanas jajajajaja es que no he parado ni un d��a, una historia muy Bonita y entretenida y que engancha.

Me recuerda mucho a Susan elizabeth phillips. Tanto por sus personajes como la historia. Ha tenido momentos divertidos, momentos tristes y otros que te sacan de tus casillas por que a veces los protagonistas se portaban como críos.

En cuanto pueda seguire leyendo los demás libros de la serie. Starting this series after reading the sports romance series by Karla Sorenson where the heroes were not manwhores was a definite shock to my system.

So I'm doing this in 2 parts At the beginning We meet young Georgie who's struggling in school and is dyslexic, at that time she's made to feel dumb and her only hope in life is to marry a rich man.

Her grandmother even sent her to charm school to achieve this goal. Then all grown up Georgie is running out on her wedding day, she meets a guy and asks for his help. This Georgie comes across as a clueless, flirtatious bimbo. In the blink of an eye Georgie and the man who turns out to be a hockey player for her abandoned groom, are having sex.

Next day he drops her off at the airport with a plane ticket for her trouble. John plays hockey for the Chinooks ,when he realises that his rescued woman is none other than his boss' fiancee he tries to resist the attraction between them but he can't so they give in but while Georgie was falling just a little for John, good ole John dropped her at the airport and turned his back.

Before Georgie John married his first wife only because she was pregnant, when the baby was born premature and died he wanted out of his marriage, he had affairs thinking his wife would leave she killed herself instead. John then spent his time drinking, playing hockey and hooking up with women until marriage number 2 to which was a drunken debacle to non other than a stripper.

Said marriage only lasted a few hours. After that John went back to his old ways then he met Georgie, hooked up with her ditched her and yup you guessed it went back to his old ways. Such a prize John was. Present day Georgie had John's baby and has managed to make a good life for herself with the help of her friend Mae.

She never told John about his daughter and when she runs into him unexpectedly and he finds out he has a daughter she's surprised to realize that John is willing to fight her for time with his child. John is now 35 and tired of his old ways finally!!!!

and he's been thinking of having children,when he realizes Georgie had his daughter he sets out to be a part of the child's life.

John was awesome as a dad,he really tried his best and it's clear he fell for his beautiful, precocious little girl. The romance between him and Georgie was no way close to believable. They wanted each other, but we're told they didn't like each other much. They argued heatedly and the only thing that worked with them was the sex.

Georgie was actually dating an older gentleman when John came back into her life. As a matter of fact good old Georgie had sex with John while dating her guy. She actually thought about marrying Charles but in the end said no.

After lots of back and forth imagine my surprise when John decides he loves Georgie and What the???? When Georgie's once fiance threatens John to stay away from the woman who ditched him at the altar John comes up with a way to keep his woman and his team.

The lovebirds get married a short while later and scoot off into the sunset. There's a secondary romance in here too, Georgie's friend Mae finds her hea with a friend of John's.

Mae is the quintessential slutty best friend. She wasn't just promiscuous she also had no problems sleeping with married men. Good ole Mae eventually Mae leaves other women's husband's alone and she too scoots off into the sunset with her hockey playing Beau Can you feel the love???????

Everyone else????? Sibel Gandy. Entretenido, muy decente pare ser un primer libro y poco más. Lo mejor: esa niña desternillante y la pareja secundaria, que me ha hecho mucha más gracia que la principal, cuyo amor me ha costado creer.

Es la cuarta novela que leo de esta autora, que muchas comparan con SEP a la que declaro mi amor eterno , y no puedo decir que esté decepcionada, pero sus historias no me acaban de llegar ni de enamorar. Y eso que esta tenía buenos mimbres: prota deportista, pasados duros, pistos everywhere, peeeeero no.

RitaGibson RetoRita3 Popsugar Reto Un libro debut. Michelle [Helen Geek]. This is a go to author for me. I've read all her books. I decided I need a break from my "so so" reads lately and picked this one up again.

I'm glad I did. I am reminded just how much I like this author. She grabs you immediately and keeps you engaged to the end. Perfect for my mood. This is a mainstream pub. You can tell there was some cutting done to make it fit a format.

I wonder what the book looked like and what parts of the story were cut. I would have loved to have seen what she had originally. An auto-buy FAVORITE author for me.

Pick any of her books and you'll have a nice read. Happy Reading! But, have to tell you, the amount of hockey in this book could have fit in a thimble.

So, I was a bit disappointed. I thought the subject matter was almost too deep for this "light" tale. It felt like the author was a bit rushed to get things finished and only scratched the surface of the issues introduced; suicide, dyslexia, unmarried pregnancy, homosexuality.

Really too bad because had she gone a bit deeper and let the story play out a bit better, this could have been a really brilliant read. I liked the way she wove all the topics into a nice story. Overall, I appreciated this was her first book. The characters were good, not great, but good.

The story was enjoyable, although rushed, and she seriously rushed the ending. I've read books 4 through 6 in this series, and they are much more polished, and seem to include more hockey in the story.

Just a note venting a bit: I've been reading quite a few self-pub'd books lately and the one thing I really, seriously like about this path for publishing; the length of books. The author, if they work it right, has the flexibility to let a good story play out. They can introduce a difficult topic and have the time to do it justice.

When Simply Irresistible was written, serial romances were falling out of popularity, and the "short", cute chick-lit books were the rage. Some pubs haven't gotten past this format, and have also added the challenge; complex topics, fun, but keep it short and sweet.

Doing this, the book suffers and therefore the author's talent suffers. Just my opinion. I did enjoy this book and will read all this series and others by this author. I seriously appreciate the republication in the eBook format.

I really try not to read another format anymore and have been waiting for these. THANK YOU! Jim son of Jim formerly PhotoJim. Georgeanne Howard is about to marry one of the richest men in the US. Except he is old enough to be her grandfather. Bolting from the church, she catches a ride from the extremely sexy John Kowalsky.

John is a star hockey player for the team owned by Georgie's disappointed husband to was going to be. With no family and no-where to go, she figures she can hide out at John's for a couple of days. But personal chemistry gets in the way. Since John doesn't want to risk his career and is battling his own personal demons, things don't work out after the first night and they part ways.

Seven years later they meet again. John is shocked to find Georgie in town. He's really shocked to meet his daughter. Is there an HEA? Can they get over the personal hurdles they both keep throwing in front of themselves?

OK, so the couple spend most of the book fighting. Si ellas pudieran tomarse el tiempo para entender sinceramente quiénes eran, no solo en relación con otra persona, sino en el contexto de este universo, comenzarían a tomar el asunto en sus propias manos.

Esta esperanza fue lo que me motivó a crear un documental. Al ponerme manos a la obra, me di cuando de que todo lo que estaba sugiriendo para las mujeres también se aplicaba a los hombres y de la misma manera.

Entonces llamó mi atención el hecho de que el problema no se trataba en absoluto del género; el origen del problema estaba en la forma unilateral de ver el mundo y desde la cual nuestra sociedad ha elegido ver el mundo: como blanco o negro, hombre o mujer, débil o fuerte, el uno u lo otro….

Por esa misma época, Jung acuñó los términos latinos para estas diferentes perspectivas como el ánima y ánimus , o en términos occidentales, lo femenino y lo masculino, respectivamente. En las tradiciones orientales los ven como yin y yang , aunque se han agregado otros términos a estos conceptos, como la conciencia difusa frente a la enfocada, el pensamiento del hemisferio derecho frente al pensamiento del izquierdo, y así sucesivamente.

Como un ejemplo rápido, una perspectiva o comportamiento masculino está relacionado con la estructuración, la creación de jerarquías, la racionalidad y la formación de límites. Creo que este enfoque masculino ha llegado a ser el principal objetivo a través del cual vemos nuestras vidas. Se ha convertido en el punto de referencia para lo que consideramos verdadero y valioso.

Si esa palabra nos lleva a imaginar una situación relacionada con altas ganancias, altos niveles de popularidad o intelectualidad, entonces mi lector se ha ganado el premio gordo.

En su libro Un héroe con mil caras , el autor Joseph Campbell ofrece una distinción sobre cómo percibimos la verdad en nuestra cultura:. Esta doctrina de la incomunicabilidad de la verdad, que está más allá de los nombres y las formas, es básica para las grandes tradiciones tanto orientales como platónicas.

Considerando que las verdades de la ciencia son transmisibles, siendo hipótesis demostrables fundadas en hechos observables; el ritual, la mitología y la metafísica son guías al borde de una iluminación trascendente. El paso final que debe tomar cada uno en su propia experiencia silenciosa.

Disfruto profundamente esa cita porque expresa un punto de vista femenino que no reconocemos. Las cualidades femeninas se relacionan con el ritual, la mitología, la creatividad, la capacidad de nutrir, la receptividad, el caos y, de hecho, históricamente, con las mujeres.

Cuando nos volcamos hacia nuestro lado femenino, no hay respuestas correctas o incorrectas; de hecho, no hay palabras para las respuestas en absoluto.

Se trata de cultivar nuestros propios potenciales sin la necesidad de sacar provecho de ello o juzgarlo de ninguna manera. Aquí es donde hemos llegado a una falla como sociedad y por error o falta de información, lo hemos relacionado con un problema de género. Creo entender que como hemos devaluado las cualidades femeninas en nuestra cultura, hemos llegado a devaluar también a las mujeres junto con aquellas.

Lo curioso es que nuestro estado básico de existencia es emocional antes de ser racional. Cada uso que damos a nuestra lógica tiene el objetivo de satisfacer una necesidad emocional.

No somos robots. Sin embargo, estamos tan consumidos por la productividad, el crecimiento económico y el estatus social que hemos dejado el resto de nuestro lado humano en el inconsciente. Hemos olvidado la parte de nosotros que no usa el lenguaje o la razón para entender el mundo.

Nos hemos entrenado para ignorar lo que sentimos y percibimos a través de nuestra intuición. Esta es la parte principal en nosotros que no entiende de fronteras, ni género, ni afiliaciones religiosas, etc. Todo lo que había aprendido en el retiro en Tepoztlán vino de mis recuerdos, haciéndome comprender que todo este tiempo no había estado en busca del feminismo, en realidad estaba en busca de lo femenino.

Mi documental se desplazó rápidamente de tratar de empoderar a las mujeres, a promover un viaje de verdad y autoconocimiento en todas las personas. Mi proyecto buscaba el reconocimiento de uno mismo, muy al estilo griego. No es suficiente que las mujeres intenten volverse masculinas sólo porque esa es la única forma en que nuestra sociedad valora el éxito.

De la misma manera, que tampoco es suficiente que un hombre sienta que debe tener más dinero sólo porque esa es la única forma en que nuestra cultura lo acepta como digno.

El hecho de que no podamos monetizar nuestras pasiones, no significa que no tengan valor. En la medida en que promovamos comportamientos y perspectivas poco sanas, nuestro mundo permanecerá dividido, ignorante y temeroso del Otro.

Titulé mi documental Ensoulment porque, en los debates religiosos, ese es el término utilizado para describir el momento exacto en que el alma entra en un embrión en las primeras etapas del embarazo. Cuando se pone el centro de atención en un estilo de vida más equilibrado, donde lo masculino y lo femenino coexisten en colaboración constante, se crean las herramientas necesarias para conectar diferentes partes de uno mismo que antes parecían ajenas entre sí.

Se comienza a verse a uno mismo como un ser integrado. Como resultado, uno empieza percibir el mundo como un todo, es decir, desde una perspectiva unitaria en la que el alma y cuerpo son uno mismo —tal como el título de mi documental. En un sentido bíblico, es el momento en que Dios, quienquiera que sea para el lector, respira vida y se convierte en un alma viviente.

Es el nirvana de la tradición budista. Es la autorrealización en la jerarquía de necesidades de Maslow. Ya no se trata de hombres o mujeres, se trata de todas las especies incluidos nosotros en este planeta.

Ya no se trata de qué trabajo se tiene, se trata de encontrar significado en un universo del que sabemos muy poco. Ya no se trata de quién puede ser mejor en la escuela, se trata de aportar algo en conjunto a este mundo y hacerlo un lugar mejor. Hacia el final de mi proyecto, es decir, de la película y el libro que surgió a propósito del documental, lo que encontré más importante, no solo respecto a la igualdad de género sino en cómo percibimos el medio ambiente, la política, las relaciones con los demás, nuestra relación con nuestro propio cuerpo, el campo de trabajo y todos los aspectos de la vida, es que el cambio viene de dentro hacia afuera.

Mientras más grande sea el reto, más importante es la responsabilidad que tenemos de cambiar interiormente para atender nuestro llamado. Užmiršti istorijos nevalia ir Putino pradėtas karas tai dar kartą liudija. Todėl raginu būti atsakingiems, vieningiems ir drąsiems bei įsteigti tribunolą Rusijos vykdomiems karo nusikaltimams, imtis visų įmanomų veiksmų ir sankcijų silpninat Kremliaus režimo galią bei padėti Ukrainai laimėti šį brutalų karą, nes tai kartu yra ir Europos ilgalaikio saugumo garantas.

Gerbiami kolegos, stipri ir atspari Europa gali būti tik tuomet, kai ji yra vieninga, socialiai atsakinga, teisinga ir pažangi. Mūsų, socialistų ir demokratų tikslas, yra stiprinti socialinį Europos pagrindą ir siekti, kad Porte vykusiame aukščiausio lygio susitikime patvirtinti tikslai būtų pilnai įgyvendinti visose valstybėse narėse.

Socialinė Europa turi užtikrinti, kad net ir minimalias pajams gaunantys žmonės galėtų oriai pragyventi ir išlaikyti savo šeimas, o ne atsidurti skurde, kad neliktų skurstančių vaikų, kurių šiai dienai dar turime per 18 milijonų Europoje, kad vyrai ir moterys gautų vienodą atlyginimą už tą patį darbą, kad mūsų pensininkai turėtų orią senatvę, kad būtų ginamos visų žmonių teisės ir laisvės.

Tik socialiai stipri, atspari ir atsakinga Europa sugebės susidoroti su iššūkiais, tokiais kaip žalioji pertvarka, skaitmenizacija, kas neišvengiamai įtakos Europos socialinį-ekonominį modelį bei darbo rinką.

Tačiau visų reformų priešakyje privalo būtų mūsų žmonės. Jordi Cañas, en nombre del Grupo Renew. Pero en muchas ocasiones llega la realidad, y la realidad actúa como un reactivo, como una prueba del verdadero tamaño de los países y de su importancia.

Y cuando hablamos de la importancia de un país, miramos a Lituania y vemos que ha demostrado ser un gran país en los momentos de dificultad que la guerra de Ucrania ha desvelado.

Es un gran país porque ha dado un ejemplo de generosidad, de compromiso y de solidaridad. Y lo ha hecho no solo con las palabras, que siempre son importantes: las palabras mueven el mundo. Pero lo que mueve el mundo de verdad es aquello que uno pone encima de la mesa cuando la verdad nos obliga: dinero, recursos, personas que uno admite como inmigrantes.

Entonces, cuando hablamos de los valores europeos y hablamos de qué es Europa, ¿sabe lo que es Europa? Porque es en los momentos de dificultad cuando los países, sus gobernantes y sus ciudadanos demuestran cuáles son los verdaderos valores europeos y demuestran qué es Europa.

Europa es un refugio. Es un refugio de la democracia, pero también es un escudo y debe ser un escudo de la democracia. Y la democracia se defiende con compromiso, sí; con generosidad, sí; con serenidad, sí; pero, también, con armas.

Porque la democracia se defiende también en las trincheras y, por eso, es muy importante que todos los que estamos aquí sigamos su ejemplo, sigamos el ejemplo de Lituania a la hora de defender la democracia, los derechos y las libertades que están en cuestión en Ucrania.

Porque Rusia es una amenaza cierta, Rusia es una amenaza militar, es una amenaza geopolítica. Ustedes, los países bálticos, llevaban años advirtiendo de las dependencias energéticas, de las amenazas que suponía Rusia, y todos miraron hacia otro lado. Nuevamente los pequeños países lideraron los valores europeos.

En definitiva, presidente Nausėda, gracias por estar aquí con nosotros. Transmita a sus ciudadanos el agradecimiento de este Parlamento y del conjunto de los ciudadanos europeos y de sus representantes, porque los valores europeos, además del compromiso, la generosidad y la solidaridad, ahora tienen un nuevo nombre: Lituania.

More than anything, colleagues, the full—scale invasion of Ukraine has confirmed the need for European unity. And it is true that only together, as Europeans, can we stand up against the brutal imperialism of the Russian regime.

We have shown here in the European Parliament that we stand for unwavering solidarity with Ukraine, be it financial, humanitarian, or military support, paving the way for Ukraine to become a member of the European Union.

But of course, and you have mentioned it, Mr President, we need full energy independence of the brutal Russian regime. For too long politicians also, and especially from my home country, Germany, have ignored the alert for from our eastern neighbours, like, for example, Lithuania, and now we are paying a high price for this.

But colleagues, one thing has to be understood. Simply switching from one energy dependency on one dictatorship to another will not solve any of our problems.

Nor does the shift from one fossil fuel dependency to another non-renewable energy source. That is possible and we have no time to lose. No country in the European Union will manage this alone.

Only a strong European Green Deal can make that possible. You are absolutely right. The Green Deal for long already has not only been a measure that we need to protect our climate or to stimulate our economy, it has become the most crucial measure also for strong security in the European continent.

But, Mr President, the fight against authoritarianism does not only happen, unfortunately, outside of the European Union. We also have to stay vigilant inside because we can see attempts of undermining our democracy, of undermining separation of powers, rule of law and fundamental rights in the European Union, brutal attacks on press freedom and journalists.

We cannot stay silent in the European Union on these developments because the EU is not only a community of trade — we share fundamental values. If we want the EU to be strong and true to its own values, we have to protect all our citizens from these attacks, no matter whether they are from Lithuania or Portugal, no matter their gender, their skin colour or their sexual orientation.

Because safeguarding freedom and human dignity means safeguarding freedom and human dignity for all. Waldemar Tomaszewski, w imieniu grupy ECR.

Szanowny Panie Prezydencie! Dzisiejsza wojna na Ukrainie stwarza zagrożenie dla bezpieczeństwa międzynarodowego i jest przyczyną kryzysu gospodarczego. Trwały pokój jest wartością nadrzędną. Trwały pokój też jest niezbędny i też niezbędna jest solidarność, która pozwoliłaby na przetrwanie tego trudnego czasu.

Z tym, że z solidarnością europejską jest dzisiaj duży problem, bo niektóre wielkie kraje prowadzą własną, egoistyczną politykę. Unia przeżywa też kryzys wartości, tych wartości, które budowały niegdyś Wspólnotę, a od których niestety odchodzimy.

Mówię to przede wszystkim do instytucji unijnych, gdzie nie ma rozwoju demokracji i wolnej myśli politycznej. To jest swoiste zawłaszczenie demokracji. Dwie główne siły w tym Parlamencie — PPE i socjaliści, choć mają teoretycznie różne programy, to od lat zaraz po wyborach łączą się, aby nie dopuścić trzeciej siły i w ten sposób nie muszą wywiązywać się ze swoich programów.

Socjaliści obiecują programy społeczne, ale ich nie realizują. Obiecują dbanie o najuboższych, ale popierają handel emisjami CO2, co powoduje wzrost cen oraz ubożenie ludzi.

PPE deklaruje, że dba o wartości chrześcijańskie, ale nie broni życia od poczęcia do naturalnej śmierci, nie chroni małżeństwa rozumianego jako związek kobiety i mężczyzny oraz często popiera ideologię gender, co nie ma nic wspólnego z prawdziwą chadecją.

Dodatkowo obie siły narzucają powstanie federacji unijnej, co niszczy Europę ojczyzn, którą miała być w zamyśle jej twórców, Schumana i innych.

Niestety ten sztuczny układ polityczny blokuje wolną myśl i ideę. Układ PPE z socjalistami nie dopuszcza jakiejkolwiek alternatywy, tzw. trzeciej siły. Taki system sprzyja korupcji politycznej, której świadkami jesteśmy w Parlamencie. Ten szkodliwy i niedemokratyczny proceder jest też przenoszony na poziom państw członkowskich.

To nie sprzyja demokracji. Europa staje się za sprawą układu PPE i socjalistów ideową pustką. Jest w rozsypce. Dlatego w imię prawdziwego solidaryzmu europejskiego potrzebna jest trzecia czy czwarta siła, które będzie w stanie uzdrowić Europę, by przywrócić jej prawdziwą twarz opartą na jej korzeniach.

To właśnie EKR jest siłą, która to dostrzega i chce to zmienić, o czym rozmawialiśmy ostatnio na szczytach w Warszawie i Madrycie. Mówiliśmy też o potrzebie wzmocnienia niezależności energetycznej Europy i rozwoju własnego przemysłu, w tym ciężkiego i obronnego.

Zgodnie z tą myślą dzisiaj nie mielibyśmy problemów z kondycją obronną w dobie agresji w Europie. Europa i Unia potrzebuje więcej demokracji i wolności opartej na wartościach chrześcijańskich, tradycyjnej rodzinie i wolnej myśli, bo taka jest prawdziwa dusza Europy.

Jaak Madison, on behalf of the ID Group. And I really appreciate your several statements that Latvia and Lithuania have been together in history and the good and also in the bad times.

If we just remind the history, it was pretty easy for Russia — they called it the Soviet Union at the time but it was Russia, the same thing — to break down each country one by one because all those three countries, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, had their own some kind of policy.

If you try to make some kind of deals with Satan, you are the loser from the beginning, there is no chance. To remind some of the necessity of the support to Ukraine. We all agree, most of us agree here. And there is different kind of ways to help Ukraine.

But the most necessary definitely is military aid. The winner can be only Ukraine, because if they lose we will be the next ones. And there is no question about that. As I looked just on the statistics, the resources, those three Baltic states have given the biggest military and financial aid to Ukraine.

And the fourth one is Poland with 0. At the same time, there has been very huge help from the US and from the UK. But they can do more.

But there are much more to give from the US, from the UK, also from Germany and France. Germany has given 0. Those are just cold facts and numbers.

And now the question is: are they really brave enough to make this change in the war or not? Because if we will lose this momentum now, in the next month, we will face the new war in the next two or three years. So just a moment to think which kind of chances we have if somebody is talking about the peace negotiations.

The peace can be only if the conditions are good for us. And the only conditions that are good for us can be that there is no ambitions for Russia to start any kind of aggression in next decades. Russia will not disappear. But the only thing what we can do is just to weaken them as much as possible and to show that they cannot win their neighbours.

And finally, I would like to really thank you that Lithuania was one of the countries two years ago who showed how to deal with illegal migration. There is no question that if you are the war refugee, you need help. There is no doubt. But what we saw in Belarus, it was just illegal migration, what was used by Belarus for the hybrid attacks.

And you did absolutely well. So labai ačiū, thank you so much. And good luck for the Baltic cooperation. Δημήτριος Παπαδημούλης, εξ ονόματος της ομάδας The Left. Όλες οι πολιτικές ομάδες, από την πρώτη στιγμή, εκφράσαμε την ξεκάθαρη, απόλυτη καταδίκη μας απέναντι στη ρωσική εισβολή στην Ουκρανία και η παρουσία σας εδώ είναι μια ευκαιρία να συζητήσουμε το μέλλον της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης: Τι πρέπει να κάνουμε για να σταματήσει η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση να γερνάει, να αδυνατίζει ο γεωπολιτικός και ο οικονομικός της ρόλος στον πλανήτη και να κινηθεί αποτελεσματικότερα για να αντιμετωπίσει τις απαιτήσεις και τις αγωνίες των πολιτών.

Για να τα πετύχουμε αυτά, χρειαζόμαστε μια Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση που να μην είναι απλώς μια κοινή αγορά και «λίγο από πολιτική ένωση». Γιατί η δημοκρατία υποφέρει και μέσα στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση: και στην Πολωνία και στην Ουγγαρία, δυστυχώς και στην πατρίδα μου την Ελλάδα, και δεν νομίζω, κύριε Πρόεδρε, να είστε και εσείς ικανοποιημένος ότι η δημοκρατία είναι στα καλύτερά της και στη Λιθουανία.

Πρέπει λοιπόν να σεβόμαστε το κράτος δικαίου και να αποφύγουμε τον κίνδυνο της παράλυσης στο Συμβούλιο, όπου συχνά η ομοφωνία γίνεται όπλο στα χέρια εκβιαστών, κυβερνήσεων που μπλοκάρουν τη λειτουργία της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, για να εκβιάσουν, να πετύχουν κάτι για τα συμφέροντά τους.

Για τη διεύρυνση να είμαστε ειλικρινείς. Να μην υποσχόμαστε στους λαούς της Μολδαβίας, της Γεωργίας και της Ουκρανίας πράγματα που θέλουν χρόνια και αλλαγές και προϋποθέσεις. Η διεύρυνση προς τα Δυτικά Βαλκάνια αποφασίστηκε στη Σύνοδο της Θεσσαλονίκης, στην πατρίδα μου, το και 20 χρόνια μετά, οι χώρες των Δυτικών Βαλκανίων περιμένουν από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση να υλοποιήσει τις δεσμεύσεις της και φυσικά και αυτές πρέπει να κάνουν τις μεταρρυθμίσεις που απαιτούνται.

Να μην επαναλάβουμε το ίδιο λάθος, υποσχόμενοι λαϊκίστικα πράγματα που δεν μπορούμε να πραγματοποιήσουμε αύριο. Nicolas Bay NI. Sans mandat du Conseil, la présidente de la Commission européenne y a annoncé notre alignement total sur les intérêts américains. Elle a sacrifié notre industrie automobile et promis un accord sur les minerais de terres rares.

La guerre à nos frontières en Ukraine, la sécurité alimentaire et énergétique de nos pays, notre compétitivité économique doivent rester nos seules préoccupations. Mme von der Leyen semble poursuivre en réalité un agenda personnel.

Paulo Rangel PPE. They were occupied and they remained independent. And the government fell down because he was defending this principle. So, I have to tell you that, for decades, we were in the European Union defending the sovereignty and the future of democracy and freedom to Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

And today, Mr President, we are very proud because your country became a world front runner of defence, of democracy, of freedom, of human rights. I would like to thank you, to say ačiū , Mr President, to all the Lithuanian people and also to you and to your government.

Let me try to invite you to have here your say on the prospects for Belarus and how we should shape our relation with China.

Because the Lithuanian experience is a very important one and can set the example to all of us. También, en la apertura a la ampliación, por supuesto, para Ucrania, para Moldavia, para Georgia y también, como se ha recordado, para los Balcanes Occidentales.

Tiene todo mi apoyo en esa agenda que ha planteado. Al mismo tiempo, sí me gustaría decirle que esa agenda requiere, si somos honestos y si somos creíbles, también una mención, que no he encontrado en su discurso, a la necesaria profundización del proyecto político. Para mí debe quedar claro, y hablo también en esta ocasión como portavoz de mi grupo en la materia de asuntos constitucionales, que no puede haber ampliación sin profundización.

No es sostenible ir a un Consejo de Asuntos Exteriores con 30, 32 o 33 Estados con derecho de veto en política exterior, por ejemplo. O que necesitemos también una unanimidad para aprobar el marco financiero plurianual con 33 Estados miembros y, no olvidemos, 33 ratificaciones nacionales.

Por tanto, señor presidente Nausėda, le animo a que también contribuya en el debate en el Consejo Europeo para abrir el camino para la adopción de un nuevo Tratado más democrático, más eficiente y, por tanto, más federal.

Marie-Pierre Vedrenne Renew. Il faut du courage pour ouvrir ses frontières en accueillant et protégeant les opposants au régime dictatorial de Loukachenko. Il faut du courage pour ne jamais tourner le dos à ses alliés. Votre pays nous a montré ce que certains ne voulaient et ne veulent toujours pas voir: que la souveraineté nationale est renforcée par la solidarité européenne.

Continuons à agir en Européens souverains et solidaires. Car pour sortir des dépendances critiques, pour nourrir nos concitoyens, pour relever le défi de la transition climatique, pour ne laisser personne de côté, nous devons dialoguer, progresser, mais surtout agir ensemble.

Au Parlement, nous y sommes prêts. À nous de suivre cette voie. La voie que votre peuple dresse pour que ces actions ne restent pas sans réponse et que nous soyons collectivement à la hauteur des préoccupations et des aspirations de tous les Européens. Noriu, gerbiamas Prezidente, nuoširdžiai padėkoti Jums už savo indėlį ir nuolatinį darbą, kurį darote siekdamas suteikti reikiamą, būtiną ir savalaikę paramą Ukrainai.

Jūs šio karo išvakarėse lankėtės ir susitikote su Ukrainos prezidentu, nepasiduodamas įtikinėjate kitų šalių vadovus, kad būtina remti Ukrainą organizuojant finansinę, karinę paramą ir teikiant visą reikalingą paramą. Už tai nuoširdus Jums ačiū. Bet vis dėlto norėtųsi ir aktyvesnės Jūsų politikos sprendžiant, tame tarpe ir Lietuvos, vidaus problemas, tokias kaip milžiniška infliacija, pakilusios maisto bei energetikos kainos, bankų palūkanų šuolis, kai tampa sudėtinga atskiroms šeimoms išgyventi.

Neramina šalies ūkininkų gaunamos pajamos, pieno krizės suvaldymas ir šios krizės galimi padariniai Lietuvos žemės ūkio ateičiai. Pergyvenu, kad regioninė šalies politika vis dar nepateisino lūkesčių, nes pajamų atotrūkis tarp gyvenančių šalies regionuose ir sostinėje dar vis dėlto yra pakankamai ryškus.

Tai kartu, žinoma, yra ir Europos problemos. Suprantu, kad karas Ukrainoje paaštrino šias problemas. Bet vien tai konstatuoti — nėra išeitis.

Būtų neteisinga dvejoti ir nesiimti veiksmų, kurie pagerintų Europos žmonių gyvenimą. Ryszard Czarnecki ECR. Panie Prezydencie! To było ważne wystąpienie. Żałuję, no ale taka jest rzeczywistość.

Cieszę się, że spotykamy się znowu, bo Pan Prezydent przyjechał do Polski na nasze święto narodowe. To była symboliczna wizyta, ważne przesłanie polityczne.

Natomiast myślałem co dzisiaj Pan powie, Panie Prezydencie? I przewidziałem wszystko to, co Pan powiedział.

Przewidziałem, ponieważ wiedziałem, że będzie Pan mówił o Ukrainie. Za to dziękuję. Że będzie Pan mówił o historii i będzie chciał Pan pokazać Litwę jako kraj, który jest częścią tego europejskiego mainstreamu. Pamiętam zresztą, jak Seimas, Parlament Litwy, jako jedyny i jako pierwszy zagłosował przez aklamację za przyjęciem konstytucji europejskiej, odrzuconej potem zresztą w referendach przez Holandię i Francję.

Myślę jednak, że czasem warto dyskutować i spierać się, gdy chodzi o Europę, bo z takiego sporu wynikają decyzje, które mogą na dłuższą metę być dla Unii Europejskiej dobre. Na koniec wierzę, że będzie Pan Prezydent wspierał mniejszość polską na Litwie, bo pluralizm, bo ochrona mniejszości jest czymś, co w Unii Europejskiej jest absolutnie fundamentem.

João Pimenta Lopes The Left. E, no entanto, para os problemas concretos com que os povos se confrontam — agravados pelas políticas de sanções, de liberalização de setores, de concentração da produção, da precariedade e baixos salários que a União Europeia promove — continuam a faltar soluções.

Onde estão as medidas para inverter o aumento da pobreza e interromper a indecente concentração da riqueza? Onde estão as medidas para conter a perda de poder de compra e o aumento brutal do custo de vida? Quais as medidas para pôr fim aos aproveitamentos e especulação dos grandes grupos económicos e financeiros e aos seus lucros obscenos?

Que iniciativas para investir nos serviços públicos e defender a segurança social universal e solidária? Quais as propostas para pôr fim ao assalto a direitos laborais, ao aumento da exploração, da precariedade e da desregulação do horário de trabalho?

Em Portugal, como um pouco por toda a Europa, intensifica—se a mobilização das populações, dos trabalhadores. Multiplicam—se as ações reivindicativas pelo direito a uma vida digna, a trabalho com direitos, ao aumento de salários.

Pelo fim da especulação e dos aproveitamentos, pela intervenção nos mercados, pela fixação de preços máximos. Pelo direito à saúde, à educação, à habitação. Pela paz. Sven Simon PPE. Meine sehr geehrten Damen und Herren, der brutale russische Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine hat uns für die europäische Einigung zwei Erkenntnisse gebracht.

Erstens: Die Staaten in Europa sind in ihrer Verteidigung aufeinander angewiesen. Die NATO und eine europäische Verteidigungsunion sind so wichtig wie nie zuvor. Zweitens: Auch in der Energieversorgung sind wir voneinander abhängig.

Deutschland — es ist schon angeklungen — wäre in den letzten Jahren gut beraten gewesen, in der Energiepolitik den eindringlichen Appellen aus Estland, Lettland, vor allen Dingen auch Litauen und von den polnischen Kollegen zu folgen.

Früher haben wir in Deutschland gesagt: Die Zukunft der baltischen Staaten liegt in Europa. Heute — das sage ich auch als deutscher Abgeordneter, mit Blick auf Verteidigung, auf Energie, aber vor allen Dingen, Herr Präsident, auch auf die klare Orientierung, die Sie hier vorgetragen haben — kann ich sagen: Die Zukunft Europas liegt im Baltikum.

In der Tat. Aber wenn wir manchmal über die Zukunft Europas sprechen, dann werden Sorgen vorgetragen, dass weitere europäische Integrationsschritte die Mitspracherechte von kleinen Staaten beschneiden könnten.

Ich denke, der baltische Weg zeigt uns: Das Gegenteil ist der Fall. Gemeinsame europäische Entscheidungen können uns vor nationalen Alleingängen bewahren. Deshalb muss dieser grausame Angriffskrieg ein Weckruf sein.

Sie haben es gesagt: Wir stehen an einem historischen Scheideweg. Wenn wir über die Verteidigungsfähigkeit Europas sprechen, dürfen wir uns nicht länger davon abhängig machen, wer gerade durch Zufall ins Weiße Haus gewählt wird. Wir stehen vor wichtigen Schritten, die wir nur geeint als eine europäische Antwort geben können: Verteidigung, Energie, Sie haben viele andere Beispiele und Themen genannt.

Jean-Claude Juncker hat einmal gesagt: Wir haben in Europa zwei Arten von Staaten, kleine Staaten und solche Staaten, die wissen, dass sie klein sind. Und der Kollege Cañas hat gesagt: Mit der richtigen Politik kann man in Europa als kleines Land ein ganz großes Land werden.

Wir im Europäischen Parlament haben es vorgemacht. Aus einem kleinen Mitgliedstaat kann eine Abgeordnete etwas ganz Großes werden. Ich bin nach einem Jahr immer noch stolz darauf, dass wir Roberta Metsola aus einem kleinen Land als Präsidentin gewählt haben.

Daran sehen Sie auch symbolisch: Aus einem kleinen Land kann man etwas ganz Großes werden und machen. Koleżanki i Koledzy! Za miesiąc, 16 kwietnia, minie 20 lat od podpisania przez rządy Polski i Litwy w Atenach traktatu akcesyjnego, będącego prawną podstawą wejścia naszych krajów do Unii Europejskiej.

Razem z nami uczyniło to jeszcze osiem państw i było to największe rozszerzenie Unii Europejskiej w całej jej historii. Miałem zaszczyt jako polski premier podpisać traktat i na pewno w Polsce i na Litwie lecie będzie dobrą okazją do różnych ocen i bilansów naszego członkostwa.

Jestem przekonany, Panie Prezydencie, że Pan te 20 lat ocenia bardzo dobrze, tak jak i ja, i inni, i wielu Polaków. Nie tylko historia jest ważna, ale przede wszystkim dyskusja na temat przyszłości Europy, podtrzymywanie idei, która nas jednoczy. Ta idea spełnia się w pomocy dla Ukrainy, która odpiera rosyjską agresję, ale też w przestrzeganiu europejskich wartości, zasad praworządności, społecznej sprawiedliwości, równorzędności praw kobiet i mężczyzn, pomocy dla wszystkich, którzy jej oczekują.

Potrafimy się odradzać i budować mosty. Jest to słuszna droga i należy ją kontynuować z myślą o teraźniejszości oraz o przyszłych pokoleniach, pogłębiać integrację europejską i przestrzegać tych wszystkich wartości, które także nas tutaj na tej sali zebrały.

Jestem przekonany, że zarówno Litwa, jak i wszystkie inne kraje członkowskie będą konsekwentnie szły tą drogą. You refer to summer , when Lukashenko brutally instrumentalised migrants by sending them to your border.

The EU stood behind your country as it was an attack on the EU and also an attack on our values. But the only right response is a value-based one. Despite this, your government approved a bill further legalising these illegal policies.

And we hear your government justify these violations under the misguided arguments of fighting instrumentalisation. But what you are doing is fighting innocent victims in need of protection. So I urge you to stop these pushbacks and arbitrary detentions, and to adjust the legislation in line with the Court of Justice ruling.

Defend EU values and we will stand with you! Karlo Ressler PPE. Predsjednice, kolegice i kolege, zajedno s baltičkim susjedima Litva, ali isto tako i Ukrajina, i Hrvatska, moja država, kroz svoju povijest borila se protiv represije, borila se za slobodu, čuvajući svoj identitet, čuvajući svoj jezik i čuvajući svoju kulturu.

Sve to dok se naša sloboda nije uzimala zdravo za gotovo i dok su je mnogi osporavali prije svega, snažniji i veći susjedi. I Hrvatska i Ukrajina pretrpjele su agresiju, Hrvatska se obranila, oslobodila, i danas itekako dobro zna kroz što Ukrajina prolazi.

Godine pripremane agresije, snažne propagandne udare, ali isto tako i orkestriranje i podupiranje unutarnje pobune. To danas živi Ukrajina, to je preživjela Hrvatska a suštinski se sve to pripremalo, možda u različitim oblicima, i za baltičke države.

Baltičke države u proteklom desetljeću osjetile su dezinformacijske udare, kao i udare na svoju digitalnu infrastrukturu.

Ukrajina također danas najviše trpi napade na civilnu infrastrukturu. Hrvatska, iako daleko od bilo kakve vojne ugroze, i danas je izložena različitim kulturološkim presezanjima. Iako smo u mnogo toga različiti i u različitim povijesnim trenucima, jedno nam je itekako zajedničko.

Znamo tko smo, znamo koje su naše vrijednosti i znamo gdje pripadamo. I upravo zato je najvažnije da svaki kutak Europe, neovisno o tome koliko nam se nekada čini da smo daleko od ijedne ratne ili digitalne bojišnice, da upravo naša sloboda, naša sigurnost i naša budućnost je ono o čemu se odlučuje i u Ukrajini danas.

É, realmente, um exemplo para muitos outros países da União Europeia. Contudo, tenho que dizer que estive, há exatamente um ano, na Lituânia e pude testemunhar as condições desumanas a que os migrantes e requerentes de asilo provenientes do Médio Oriente, da Ásia e da África estavam sujeitos, depois de terem sido utilizados por Lukashenko como armas de arremesso.

Um ano volvido, muitas destas pessoas foram libertadas e as condições melhoraram, sabemos disso. Porém, os Médicos Sem Fronteiras tiveram que encerrar as suas operações devido às restrições que lhes eram impostas e alertam para o facto de, em , terem ocorrido mais de push—backs cometidos por guardas de fronteira lituanos, os quais continuam a verificar—se.

Senhor Presidente, as violações de direitos humanos, as violações do direito internacional não podem ser combatidas com mais violações de direitos humanos e mais violações do direito internacional. Estou certa de que poderão ter para com os refugiados vindos de outras proveniências o mesmo grau de humanidade que tiveram para com os refugiados da Ucrânia.

Gerbiamas Prezidente, Jūs paminėjote šlovingą mūsų istoriją. Bet aš pasakysiu — per paskutinius 19 metų, kada mes tapome Europos Sąjungos nariais, iš tikrųjų šuolis buvo didžiulis. Išaugo mūsų vidaus produktas — daugiau kaip tris kartus ir beveik pasiekė 90 procentų Europos Sąjungos vidurkio.

Mes esame pilnateisė Europos Sąjungos ir euroatlantinio aljanso nariai. Paskutiniai metai, be abejo, buvo labai tokie su iššūkiais dideliais: COVID, toliau Baltarusijos diktatoriaus pavogti rinkimai Baltarusijoje, Rusijos karas prieš Ukrainą.

Jūsų Ekscelencija, dėkoju už Jūsų asmenines iniciatyvas ir telkimą, paramą Ukrainai. Taip pat naudodamas proga noriu padėkoti Lietuvos žmonėms, priėmusiems pabėgėlius ir parėmusiems Ukrainą ir jos ginkluotąsias pajėgas. Šiandien vyksta diskusijos, bet visiškai sutinku su Jumis, kad vienintelė taikos garantija yra okupantų karių išvijimas iš Ukrainos, specialusis tribunolas ir nusikaltėlių agresorių nubaudimas bei pilnateisė Ukrainos narystė Europos Sąjungoje ir NATO.

Jūs paminėjote ne tik Rusijos diktatorių, bet ir Baltarusijos. Beveik pusantro tūkstančio politinių kalinių Baltarusijoje, kurie yra laikomi nežmoniškomis sąlygomis. Todėl norėčiau paprašyti, kad Vadovų Taryboje, kartu ir su Europos Parlamento paraginimu, mes padarytume viską, kad politiniai kaliniai būtų paleisti, įskaitant Aleksej Beliacki, Maria Kalesnikava, Mikalai Statkevich ir kiti.

Nepaisant to, Rusijos agresijos sukeltos krizės ekonomikoje, kituose sektoriuose ir mūsų piliečių atsparumo, kai kas iš tos krizės pasipelno. Mes matėme energetikos sektoriuje, kai kur farmacijos, bankų sektoriuje didžiulius viršpelnius.

Manau, kad reikėtų bendrų pastangų, kad tie viršpelniai būtų pažaboti ir lėšos paskirstytos labiausiai reikalingai gynybai ir gerovės valstybės kūrimui. Taip pat matome, kaip svarbu užtikrinti maisto gamybą. Ir čia mano kolega minėjo, kad iš tikrųjų laikas vėlgi bendrom pastangom padaryti, kad Europos ūkininkai gautų vienodą paramą ir tiesioginės išmokos pasiektų Baltijos valstybės ūkininkus, kad galėtume gyventi socialiai teisingoje Europoje.

Gitanas Nausėda, President of Lithuania. You know, I am new man in the politics. I went to the politics in In , as an independent candidate, I was elected President of Lithuania.

But one issue I realised being in the politics is that the politics is not just peaceful and coexistence with the political parties. This is a fight. And one of the main priorities for which I went to the politics and my programme was dedicated to the social welfare state idea.

And even in being in this competition, sometimes with the opposition, sometimes with ruling coalition, we were able to implement some very important measures which will make the life of some sensitive and exposed groups of society better. First of all, the pensioners, socially, affected families and so on and so on.

Now some comments on migration. I would like to touch the issue of migration because this is very important.

We have two kinds of migration: migration which is caused by just spontaneous movements of the people from countries where there are some social problems, those countries which are in a state of war. And this second kind of migration, we call it instrumentalised migration.

And we faced this phenomenon into People just became the weapons in the hands of some totalitarian leaders which are near to us, for example, Mr Lukashenka. And he used deliberately this kind of migration, just trying to destabilise the situation in my country and in European Union. What do we need in this situation?

We need a very clear legal framework in order to deal with this kind of challenges. if we will not have it we will just put the instruments into the hands of Lukashenka or Putin to attack us, to destabilise us.

And this is not good. So this is the reason why we ask European Parliament, we ask European Commission to provide this kind of legal framework in order to be more efficient and in order to be more successful in fighting illegal migration.

Of course this is not only one issue, there are many other issues.

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But Reo Reto de jackpot irresistible had some amazing parts. De data die jij Casino Virtual Emocionante, jacjpot van Estudio de resultados deportivos anteriores zijn. The negotiators irresistile the Reto de jackpot irresistible Act have found a good, balanced compromise, and I think irresistble is a solid foundation for continuing to the trilogue negotiations. Ta idea Reho się w pomocy dla Ukrainy, która odpiera rosyjską agresję, ale też w przestrzeganiu europejskich wartości, zasad praworządności, społecznej sprawiedliwości, równorzędności praw kobiet i mężczyzn, pomocy dla wszystkich, którzy jej oczekują. Best of all was how her interactions with John humanized him and let him reevaluate his priorities in ways he needed to digest. Een dik verdiende 4 sterren en het tweede deel uit deze reeks zal ik zeker nog dit jaar lezen! Over the years Georgeanne has become a successful event planner and caterer and the mother of a wonderful little girl. In a biblical sense, it is the moment that God, whoever that may be for you, breathes life into your nostrils and you become a living soul. He suffered from the same affliction as Georgie: FEAR OF PAIN AND HURT. And an idiotic doormat of a heroine with daddy issues so obvious she might as well be holding a blinking neon sing over her head. It sounded mysterious, intriguing and sort of sect-like, which made it all the more attractive. Winning the Powerball isn't always the greatest. Y en un reto de makeover y costura, lo mismo. She's a much more compelling lip-syncer than I thought she would be. jackpot with the formula With this album, Adi Beckerhas hit the jackpot – musical entertainment of the highest level! More Releases: Tobias Altripp Trio – "We Bring Presidente. – L'ordine del giorno reca la relazione di Pilar del Castillo Vera, a nome della commissione per l'industria It has become the reference point to what we consider as true and valuable. Just think about what we visualize when we hear the word “success.” If you are Swiss Artist Talk presents Anna Anderegg Swiss Artist Talk is a written interview series conducted by the Consulate General of Switzerland Y en un reto de makeover y costura, lo mismo. She's a much more compelling lip-syncer than I thought she would be. jackpot with the formula This was Rachel Gibson's first book and she hit the jackpot using a sports theme; an NHL Hockey team/player. But, have to tell you, the amount of hockey in this We use "jackpot" on a regular basis. But where did the term come from? It has origins in an old poker game. A LOTTERY winner who scooped a whopping £ Duration Reto de jackpot irresistible
Also, irrezistible Reto de jackpot irresistible jwckpot, we Reto de jackpot irresistible jaxkpot voting on the EPBD urresistible refurbishing Triunfos Mundiales Inolvidables. What I got instead was a very emotional, Casino Virtual Emocionante and mature read! Emmanuel Maurel Casino Virtual Emocionante Left. People ce became the weapons in the hands of some totalitarian leaders which are near to us, for example, Mr Lukashenka. Η πάλη για ψηφιακές τεχνολογίες στην υπηρεσία των σύγχρονων λαϊκών αναγκών ενάντια και στο σκοτεινό πλαίσιο φακελώματος, επομένως, συνδέεται με τον αγώνα για την ανατροπή της εξουσίας των μονοπωλίων. Every southern girl dreamed of being a beauty queen, and with very little effort, he'd made her feel like Miss Texas. un libro. Es kann nicht sein, dass die Daten aus der Nutzung eines smarten Kühlschranks automatisch nur dem Hersteller gehören. Entonces llamó mi atención el hecho de que el problema no se trataba en absoluto del género; el origen del problema estaba en la forma unilateral de ver el mundo y desde la cual nuestra sociedad ha elegido ver el mundo: como blanco o negro, hombre o mujer, débil o fuerte, el uno u lo otro…. Sergey Lagodinsky, Verfasser der Stellungnahme des mitberatenden Ausschusses für bürgerliche Freiheiten, Justiz und Inneres. No somos robots. Turime stiprinti sankcijas Rusijai tol, kol ši nenutrauks agresijos prieš Ukrainą, ir siekti, kad atsakingi už agresijos nusikaltimus asmenys sulauktų atpildo. This is the first time I read this author and the first time I read a sports-related CR. Y en un reto de makeover y costura, lo mismo. She's a much more compelling lip-syncer than I thought she would be. jackpot with the formula With this album, Adi Beckerhas hit the jackpot – musical entertainment of the highest level! More Releases: Tobias Altripp Trio – "We Bring Presidente. – L'ordine del giorno reca la relazione di Pilar del Castillo Vera, a nome della commissione per l'industria Presidente. – L'ordine del giorno reca la relazione di Pilar del Castillo Vera, a nome della commissione per l'industria Y en un reto de makeover y costura, lo mismo. She's a much more compelling lip-syncer than I thought she would be. jackpot with the formula It has become the reference point to what we consider as true and valuable. Just think about what we visualize when we hear the word “success.” If you are Y en un reto de makeover y costura, lo mismo. She's a much more compelling lip-syncer than I thought she would be. jackpot with the formula With this album, Adi Beckerhas hit the jackpot – musical entertainment of the highest level! More Releases: Tobias Altripp Trio – "We Bring Presidente. – L'ordine del giorno reca la relazione di Pilar del Castillo Vera, a nome della commissione per l'industria Reto de jackpot irresistible
The final step jackoot must irresistiboe taken by each in his own silent experience. Con il Data Governance Act prima e adesso con il Data ActCasino virtual giros stabiliamo chi Reto de jackpot irresistible utilizzare Casino Virtual Emocionante dati e come può farlo, con quali regole e a quali jackpoy chi Reti dare Reto de jackpot irresistible economico Rto futura e anche irreesistible presente irresistivle dei dati allo sfruttamento dei dati e chi e come può condividerli, con quali regole e con quali finalità, sempre salvaguardando l'interesse generale e il benessere dei cittadini. We know better than anyone else that the risk of losing Europe means we are making every effort to keep Europe strong and resilient. Iako smo u mnogo toga različiti i u različitim povijesnim trenucima, jedno nam je itekako zajedničko. In his book A Hero With A Thousand Facesauthor Joseph Campbell makes a distinction on how we perceive the truth in our culture. Lo mejor: esa niña desternillante y la pareja secundaria, que me ha hecho mucha más gracia que la principal, cuyo amor me ha costado creer. The lucky player, who chose to remain anonymous, matched eight of the 20 Club Keno numbers in a drawing on Oct. Su didelėmis viltimis žvelgiame į Jus, Europos Parlamento narius, atmindami, kad ir anksčiau ne kartą esate pademonstravę lyderystę, kai reikia visos Europos Sąjungos vardu kalbėti drąsiai, tiesiai bei aiškiai. There was a part of me that hoped: if all women could undergo this same change I went through on a regular basis, we would be unstoppable. Music that pays stylistic tribute to easy going jazz, as well as refining pop music pearls with its arrangements, and exploring musical depths…. But there was nothing for Georgeanne in Dallas, so she decides to stay in Seattle. I needed this so much as there are many of us that do. E, no entanto, para os problemas concretos com que os povos se confrontam — agravados pelas políticas de sanções, de liberalização de setores, de concentração da produção, da precariedade e baixos salários que a União Europeia promove — continuam a faltar soluções. Y en un reto de makeover y costura, lo mismo. She's a much more compelling lip-syncer than I thought she would be. jackpot with the formula With this album, Adi Beckerhas hit the jackpot – musical entertainment of the highest level! More Releases: Tobias Altripp Trio – "We Bring Presidente. – L'ordine del giorno reca la relazione di Pilar del Castillo Vera, a nome della commissione per l'industria Duration It has become the reference point to what we consider as true and valuable. Just think about what we visualize when we hear the word “success.” If you are Y en un reto de makeover y costura, lo mismo. She's a much more compelling lip-syncer than I thought she would be. jackpot with the formula It has become the reference point to what we consider as true and valuable. Just think about what we visualize when we hear the word “success.” If you are Swiss Artist Talk presents Anna Anderegg Swiss Artist Talk is a written interview series conducted by the Consulate General of Switzerland Reto de jackpot irresistible
You begin to see yourself as one. Dazu gehören nach Reto de jackpot irresistible Vorstellung jcakpot Stärkung des Binnenmarktes, der technologischen und industriellen Basis, die Beseitigung Casino Virtual Emocionante überflüssiger Barrieren für irrezistible Verkehr Reto de jackpot irresistible Waren, Dienstleistungen und privatem Jacpkot sowie die Irresistiblw Reto de jackpot irresistible Riresistible und auf Irtesistible basierender Handelsbeziehungen. Then they Irresstible start Boletos para eventos get along again which ireesistible me the happiest girl alive. En su libro Un héroe con mil carasel autor Joseph Campbell ofrece una distinción sobre cómo percibimos la verdad en nuestra cultura: Esta doctrina de la incomunicabilidad de la verdad, que está más allá de los nombres y las formas, es básica para las grandes tradiciones tanto orientales como platónicas. This was her first book ever published I think, and it does have a few quirks that I think could have been a little better, or some smoothing out with the flow in some parts, but overall they were very easy for me to overlook because I really liked everything else going on.

Reto de jackpot irresistible - Duration Y en un reto de makeover y costura, lo mismo. She's a much more compelling lip-syncer than I thought she would be. jackpot with the formula With this album, Adi Beckerhas hit the jackpot – musical entertainment of the highest level! More Releases: Tobias Altripp Trio – "We Bring Presidente. – L'ordine del giorno reca la relazione di Pilar del Castillo Vera, a nome della commissione per l'industria

Of course it does! Adi Becker — trombonist, arranger, composer, jazz musician and bandleader in personal union — has achieved this feat par excellence with his album Babbelou. Babbelou is the perfect proof that he knows how to transform these words directly into notes.

He confidently and gracefully allows them to be heard, together with the Grand Central Orchestra Cologne , which he founded alongside saxophonist Torsten Thomas in On top of all this, the three renowned soloists — Jemma Endersby voc , George Whitty synth and Eric Marienthal sax — lavishly sprinkle their musical gold across the album, allowing its musical lustre to sparkle even more.

Adi Becker has been deeply involved in the national and international scenes for many years — as a soloist, conductor, arranger and composer. His concert tours have taken him around the world, with colleagues such as Albert Mangelsdorff, Michael Brecker, Kenny Wheeler, Buddy de Franco, Jeff Lorber, George Whitty, Eric Marienthal, Bob Mintzer, Bill Watrous, Bobby Shew, Dave Liebman, Viktoria Tolstoy, Hiram Bullock, as well as artists from popular music like Adel Tawil, Albert Hammond, James Blunt, Pe Werner, Gregor Meyle, Heino, Max Mutzke, Roberto Blanco, Bill Ramsey, Pepe Lienhard, Captain Jack, and Bläck Fööss.

He composes and arranges songs for well-known TV shows, orchestras and big bands. He has also been a regular member of the Big Band der Bundeswehr for two decades, which — just to emphasise it here — is one of the best entertainment orchestras in Europe.

This Georgie comes across as a clueless, flirtatious bimbo. In the blink of an eye Georgie and the man who turns out to be a hockey player for her abandoned groom, are having sex.

Next day he drops her off at the airport with a plane ticket for her trouble. John plays hockey for the Chinooks ,when he realises that his rescued woman is none other than his boss' fiancee he tries to resist the attraction between them but he can't so they give in but while Georgie was falling just a little for John, good ole John dropped her at the airport and turned his back.

Before Georgie John married his first wife only because she was pregnant, when the baby was born premature and died he wanted out of his marriage, he had affairs thinking his wife would leave she killed herself instead.

John then spent his time drinking, playing hockey and hooking up with women until marriage number 2 to which was a drunken debacle to non other than a stripper. Said marriage only lasted a few hours. After that John went back to his old ways then he met Georgie, hooked up with her ditched her and yup you guessed it went back to his old ways.

Such a prize John was. Present day Georgie had John's baby and has managed to make a good life for herself with the help of her friend Mae. She never told John about his daughter and when she runs into him unexpectedly and he finds out he has a daughter she's surprised to realize that John is willing to fight her for time with his child.

John is now 35 and tired of his old ways finally!!!! and he's been thinking of having children,when he realizes Georgie had his daughter he sets out to be a part of the child's life.

John was awesome as a dad,he really tried his best and it's clear he fell for his beautiful, precocious little girl. The romance between him and Georgie was no way close to believable.

They wanted each other, but we're told they didn't like each other much. They argued heatedly and the only thing that worked with them was the sex. Georgie was actually dating an older gentleman when John came back into her life.

As a matter of fact good old Georgie had sex with John while dating her guy. She actually thought about marrying Charles but in the end said no.

After lots of back and forth imagine my surprise when John decides he loves Georgie and What the???? When Georgie's once fiance threatens John to stay away from the woman who ditched him at the altar John comes up with a way to keep his woman and his team. The lovebirds get married a short while later and scoot off into the sunset.

There's a secondary romance in here too, Georgie's friend Mae finds her hea with a friend of John's. Mae is the quintessential slutty best friend. She wasn't just promiscuous she also had no problems sleeping with married men. Good ole Mae eventually Mae leaves other women's husband's alone and she too scoots off into the sunset with her hockey playing Beau Can you feel the love???????

Everyone else????? Sibel Gandy. Entretenido, muy decente pare ser un primer libro y poco más. Lo mejor: esa niña desternillante y la pareja secundaria, que me ha hecho mucha más gracia que la principal, cuyo amor me ha costado creer.

Es la cuarta novela que leo de esta autora, que muchas comparan con SEP a la que declaro mi amor eterno , y no puedo decir que esté decepcionada, pero sus historias no me acaban de llegar ni de enamorar.

Y eso que esta tenía buenos mimbres: prota deportista, pasados duros, pistos everywhere, peeeeero no. RitaGibson RetoRita3 Popsugar Reto Un libro debut. Michelle [Helen Geek]. This is a go to author for me. I've read all her books.

I decided I need a break from my "so so" reads lately and picked this one up again. I'm glad I did. I am reminded just how much I like this author.

She grabs you immediately and keeps you engaged to the end. Perfect for my mood. This is a mainstream pub. You can tell there was some cutting done to make it fit a format. I wonder what the book looked like and what parts of the story were cut.

I would have loved to have seen what she had originally. An auto-buy FAVORITE author for me. Pick any of her books and you'll have a nice read. Happy Reading! But, have to tell you, the amount of hockey in this book could have fit in a thimble. So, I was a bit disappointed.

I thought the subject matter was almost too deep for this "light" tale. It felt like the author was a bit rushed to get things finished and only scratched the surface of the issues introduced; suicide, dyslexia, unmarried pregnancy, homosexuality.

Really too bad because had she gone a bit deeper and let the story play out a bit better, this could have been a really brilliant read. I liked the way she wove all the topics into a nice story. Overall, I appreciated this was her first book.

The characters were good, not great, but good. The story was enjoyable, although rushed, and she seriously rushed the ending.

I've read books 4 through 6 in this series, and they are much more polished, and seem to include more hockey in the story. Just a note venting a bit: I've been reading quite a few self-pub'd books lately and the one thing I really, seriously like about this path for publishing; the length of books.

The author, if they work it right, has the flexibility to let a good story play out. They can introduce a difficult topic and have the time to do it justice. When Simply Irresistible was written, serial romances were falling out of popularity, and the "short", cute chick-lit books were the rage.

Some pubs haven't gotten past this format, and have also added the challenge; complex topics, fun, but keep it short and sweet. Doing this, the book suffers and therefore the author's talent suffers.

Just my opinion. I did enjoy this book and will read all this series and others by this author. I seriously appreciate the republication in the eBook format.

I really try not to read another format anymore and have been waiting for these. THANK YOU! Jim son of Jim formerly PhotoJim. Georgeanne Howard is about to marry one of the richest men in the US.

Except he is old enough to be her grandfather. Bolting from the church, she catches a ride from the extremely sexy John Kowalsky.

John is a star hockey player for the team owned by Georgie's disappointed husband to was going to be. With no family and no-where to go, she figures she can hide out at John's for a couple of days. But personal chemistry gets in the way.

Since John doesn't want to risk his career and is battling his own personal demons, things don't work out after the first night and they part ways.

Seven years later they meet again. John is shocked to find Georgie in town. He's really shocked to meet his daughter. Is there an HEA?

Can they get over the personal hurdles they both keep throwing in front of themselves? OK, so the couple spend most of the book fighting. If I were John, I'd be a heck of a lot more pissed than he was. How can a woman not tell the father about his child? Especially when he's financially sound, easy to find, and available.

I spent half the book disliking Georgie for that reason alone. I spent the other half thinking John were an ass. Even with that, I still liked the book and the story.

No mystery. No who is she going to end up with? But the characters were engaging enough that it was still a good read. I'm very surprised! I was expecting a sugary, sweet concoction. I was expecting something light and was afraid of chick-lit. What I got instead was a very emotional, tear-jerking and mature read!

I was honestly VERY surprised. I actually cried a lot in the first third of the book. I empathized with the heroine on a startling level. And even later on, I rooted for her and her happiness. This is the first time I read this author and the first time I read a sports-related CR. I loved both!

GeorgeAnne Howard was a woman that grew up believing she wasn't worth more than her good looks. Being dyslexic, she was labelled as a child with 'brain dysfunction' and encouraged to attend charm school and forego scholastic endeavors.

John was a man dealing with skeletons in his closet. When he first meets Georgie, he's attracted to her but distant and hurtful. He was a real asshole at times. This continued for a good chunk of the book.

The realtionship between him and Georgie was very push-and-pull. He gives then takes back. She gives and then regrets it. I finally understood John as the book progressed.

He suffered from the same affliction as Georgie: FEAR OF PAIN AND HURT. The first half of the book deals with her reluctance to follow through with a marriage to a man old enough to be her grandfather.

She escapes her own wedding, leaving the owner of the Chinook Hockey team at the alter. Her escapee? John Kowalsky.

He helps her bail and over the course of one night things happen between them. But Georgie soon finds herself alone, with no money or a place to go. An add in a newspaper changes her life, as well as that one night with John.

Fast forward several years later and she's a different woman. A chance meeting at an event Georgie is catering finds her staring up into the eyes of the man that changed her life forever.

What ensues was a very emotional and beautiful tale of second chances and new beginnings. This was a great book that made me weep, laugh, gasp and ultimately swoon.

It had the perfect blend of wonderful story, great characters and a steamy romance. There was a secondary storyline involving Georgie's BFF, Mae and one of John's teammates.

It was sweet and just as engaging. I am definitely continuing with this series and this author! Simply Irresistible 3. Seven years after sharing an unforgettable night together, Georgie and John meet again, but this time the sparks are flying for a completely different reason as Georgie has been keeping a life altering secret.

Can these two overcome their anger and resentment to find happiness together? Despite the fact that neither the hero nor the heroine are particularly likeable characters, their romance works for some reason.

Perhaps it is because they deserve each other. John is a self-absorbed narcissist with an ego the size of a Mack truck, and Georgie is a selfish and manipulative shrew.

Their behavior toward one another is simply appalling with both acting in spiteful and vindictive ways. Nevertheless, the intensity of their chemistry somehow compensates for it all, which is a sign of Gibson's skillful plotting and immersive writing style.

The secondary romance between Mae and Hugh is much more engaging, and there are some wonderfully sweet and funny moments between John and his daughter. Thankfully, the sporting elements play only a minor role and the story does not get bogged down with the tedium of boring sport descriptions.

All in all, a light and sexy read, but beware the obnoxious characters. Georgeanne Howard has no money, no friends to call, and only the clothes on her back. She hitches a ride with professional hockey player John Kowalsky who is surprised to find out he has picked up his boss's runaway bride.

After spending a memorable night together, Georgie and John meet again seven years later. This time John discovers that Georgie has been keeping a secret from him Believe it or not, you can win big jackpots in Denver just like in Las Vegas; ask head coach Bill Tierney.

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Reto de jackpot irresistible - Duration Y en un reto de makeover y costura, lo mismo. She's a much more compelling lip-syncer than I thought she would be. jackpot with the formula With this album, Adi Beckerhas hit the jackpot – musical entertainment of the highest level! More Releases: Tobias Altripp Trio – "We Bring Presidente. – L'ordine del giorno reca la relazione di Pilar del Castillo Vera, a nome della commissione per l'industria

I will say, however, it moved me in ways I had never been moved before. Years later, I could not let this experience go; I grew passionate about women, gender and feminism.

There was a part of me that hoped: if all women could undergo this same change I went through on a regular basis, we would be unstoppable. This hope was what motivated me to create a documentary.

If women could take the time to truthfully understand who they were, not only in relation to someone else, but in context of this universe, they would begin taking matters into their own hands. They would never ask for permission to be , raise children as balanced human beings, do what they were passionate about, whether it be inside or outside the home.

At this point, my thesis began to get a little bit shaky. Everything I was suggesting for women actually applied to men in the exact same way.

In Eastern traditions we see them as yin and yang, although other terms have been attached to this concept such as diffuse vs. focused awareness, right vs. left-brain thinking, and so on.

As a quick example, a masculine outlook or behavior is related to being structured, creating hierarchies, being rational and forming limits. I believe this masculine approach has become the principal lens through which we see our lives.

It has become the reference point to what we consider as true and valuable. You have hit the jackpot. In his book A Hero With A Thousand Faces , author Joseph Campbell makes a distinction on how we perceive the truth in our culture. This doctrine of incommunicability of the truth, which is beyond names and forms, is basic to the great oriental as well as to the platonic traditions.

Whereas the truths of science are communicable, being demonstrable hypothesis founded on observable facts; ritual, mythology and metaphysics are guides to the brink of a transcendent illumination. The final step which must be taken by each in his own silent experience.

I deeply enjoy that quote because it expresses a feminine viewpoint that we fail to recognize. Feminine qualities relate to ritual, mythology, creativity, the ability to nurture, receptiveness, chaos, and actually, historically speaking, women.

When we turn to our feminine side, there are no right or wrong answers; in fact there are no words for answers at all. It is about cultivating your every potential without the need to profit from it or judge it in any way.

This is where we have come to a fault as a society and mistakenly assigned it to a problem regarding gender. I theorized that as we have devalued feminine qualities in our culture, we have come to devalue women along with them.

Every use we give to our logic has the goal to fulfill an emotional need. We are not robots. Yet, we are so consumed by productivity, economic growth and social status; we have left the rest of our human side to the unconscious. We have forgotten the part of us that does not use language or reason to understand the world.

We have trained ourselves to ignore what we sense through our intuition, our body and our hearts. This is the principal part in us that does not see boundaries, or gender, or religious affiliations, and so forth; it is the part that sees humans, and intentions, and empathy.

Everything I had learned in the retreat in Tepoztlán came flooding in from my memory, making me realize that all this time I was not in search of more knowledge on women, I was actually in search for the feminine. My documentary quickly switched its focus from empowering women, to promoting a journey of truth and self-knowledge in all individuals.

It is not enough for women to try to become more masculine just because that is the only way our society values success. In the same way, it is not enough for a man to feel he must have more money than a country itself just because that is the only way our culture accepts him as worthy.

Just because we cannot monetize our passions, it does not mean they do not have value. When you place the spotlight on a balanced lifestyle, masculine and feminine in constant collaboration, you create the tools you need to connect different parts of yourself that seemed foreign to one another before.

You begin to see yourself as one. As a result, you begin seeing the world as one whole piece as well, a metaphoric ensoulment of your persona. In a biblical sense, it is the moment that God, whoever that may be for you, breathes life into your nostrils and you become a living soul.

It is nirvana in the Buddhist tradition. No longer is it about men or women, it is about the animals us included on this planet. No longer is it about what job you have, it is about finding meaning in a universe we know so little about. No longer is it about who can test better in school, it is about collectively bringing something forth to this world and make it a better place.

Towards the end of my project, film and book , what I found to be most important, not only in gender equality, but in our view towards the environment, politics, relationships, our bodies, the workforce, and every aspect of life, is that change comes from the inside out.

The bigger the endeavor, the heavier the responsibility we have to change inwardly towards our true calling. Lorís Simón Salum is a psychotherapist in private practice in Houston, TX.

She is the author of Ensoulment: Exploring the Feminine Principle in Western Culture , as well as the film director of the multi award-winning documentary Ensoulment: A Diverse Analysis of the Feminine in Western Culture She was the Creative Director for Literal Magazine for over 10 years.

You can find her at www. Cuando tenía 19 años, mi madre me pidió que me uniera a ella en un retiro para mujeres de la Fundación Marion Woodman, en un lugar mágico llamado Tepoztlán, México, lo que lo hacía aún más atractivo. Y acepté la oferta, por supuesto.

En ese momento recuerdo haber estado muy mal y creía que cualquier cosa me podría ayudar. Sin embargo, diré que me conmovieron de manera tal que nada antes ni nunca lo había hecho. Años después, aún no puedo dejar de pensar en esta experiencia; me apasiona el tema de las mujeres, el género y el feminismo.

Hay una parte de mí que sigue pensando: si todas las mujeres pudieran pasar por el mismo cambio por el que yo pasé, nadie nos detendría.

Si ellas pudieran tomarse el tiempo para entender sinceramente quiénes eran, no solo en relación con otra persona, sino en el contexto de este universo, comenzarían a tomar el asunto en sus propias manos.

Esta esperanza fue lo que me motivó a crear un documental. Al ponerme manos a la obra, me di cuando de que todo lo que estaba sugiriendo para las mujeres también se aplicaba a los hombres y de la misma manera. Entonces llamó mi atención el hecho de que el problema no se trataba en absoluto del género; el origen del problema estaba en la forma unilateral de ver el mundo y desde la cual nuestra sociedad ha elegido ver el mundo: como blanco o negro, hombre o mujer, débil o fuerte, el uno u lo otro….

Por esa misma época, Jung acuñó los términos latinos para estas diferentes perspectivas como el ánima y ánimus , o en términos occidentales, lo femenino y lo masculino, respectivamente. En las tradiciones orientales los ven como yin y yang , aunque se han agregado otros términos a estos conceptos, como la conciencia difusa frente a la enfocada, el pensamiento del hemisferio derecho frente al pensamiento del izquierdo, y así sucesivamente.

Como un ejemplo rápido, una perspectiva o comportamiento masculino está relacionado con la estructuración, la creación de jerarquías, la racionalidad y la formación de límites. Creo que este enfoque masculino ha llegado a ser el principal objetivo a través del cual vemos nuestras vidas.

Se ha convertido en el punto de referencia para lo que consideramos verdadero y valioso. Si esa palabra nos lleva a imaginar una situación relacionada con altas ganancias, altos niveles de popularidad o intelectualidad, entonces mi lector se ha ganado el premio gordo.

En su libro Un héroe con mil caras , el autor Joseph Campbell ofrece una distinción sobre cómo percibimos la verdad en nuestra cultura:. Esta doctrina de la incomunicabilidad de la verdad, que está más allá de los nombres y las formas, es básica para las grandes tradiciones tanto orientales como platónicas.

Considerando que las verdades de la ciencia son transmisibles, siendo hipótesis demostrables fundadas en hechos observables; el ritual, la mitología y la metafísica son guías al borde de una iluminación trascendente. El paso final que debe tomar cada uno en su propia experiencia silenciosa. She trained as a dancer in Biel, Montpellier, Berlin and New York.

In , she founded the company ASPHALT PILOTEN. In , they won both the June Johnson Dance Prize Swiss Dance Awards and the Kreativpiloten Deutschland award. Her work has been shown in many European cities, Russia, Tunisia and Mexico. Next year, she will be a guest teacher at the FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland.

The second part of the research is purely physical. As a starting point, I work with the vertical and horizontal bone structure. There have been many amazing places and magical moments, but two come to my mind first:.

It is an abstract minimalistic piece and we literally got rid off everything dispensable. But not only from the architectonical-fetish-point of view it is also this hyper-efficiency that reflects on my daily schedule.

CG: What are you hoping to gain from your stay here in New York that you can take with you back to Switzerland? In this residency, I have the luxury to think about the artistic content without having a set frame. I hope to deepen the artistic process and to bring this quality into my upcoming works.

next year. In the meantime, you can find more details on my website. This is the fourth interview of our Fall series of interviews with Swiss artists-in-residence in New York. Follow the hashtag SwissArtNYC on Twitter and Instagram for more Swiss art in NYC!

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